Google Ads + Facebook Ads (cost per lead $0.60 from scratch)

    Traffic channel: Google Ads, Facebook
    Project: selling of euro picket fence
    Region: Ukraine
    Period of the test: 25.02.2019 — 13.03.2019 (17 days)
    Test budget:Google Ads - 6 270 UAHFacebook - 115$Total approximately budget – 10 000 UAH ($300)
    Tasks and hypotheses:Optimization of cost per lead and amount of total leads, using more flexibility and involved audiences from Google Ads, which will be influenced by Facebook Ads.

Project features

Advertising campaign was controlled by client himself pretty appropriate. There were profitable leads, but lack of them eventually. The problem was in the project scaling. Increasing budget and cost per click had led to more expensive cost per lead without significant growth amount of them.
There was necessity in growing up the amount of leads, remaining current cost per lead at that moment.
Arose the hypothesis: to increase amount of traffic from Google Ads, using other types of channels (remarketing, GDN). After that to convert all that visitors on Facebook, using remarketing audiences, that should have led to more leads with appropriate cost per each.

Ad campaing in Google Ads


We increased cost per click, added GDN campaigns and remarketing audiences. Average cost per lead remained suitable. Amount of the leads was increased up to 2-3 times in comparison with previous resluts.

Ad examples:


As we see (first example), we used the GEO modifier for auto-substitution cities in the headline of ad. The system detects users geodata by IP.Media ads we made both static banners and video also.Considering a big amount of rivals in search network, we put in a lot of efforts to highlight all beneficial sides of the offer.

Ad campaing in Facebook / Instagram


Facebook showed off the perfect results. Cost per lead $0.6 in average. Facebook gave cheaper leads compared to Instagram. Hight CTR. Quite beneficial CPM, in average $1-1.2 per 1000 impressions.

Other details of Facebook ad campaing:


We used 2 audiences:

    Remarketing audience
    Lookalike audience on those, who made a conversion

As screen shows, looklike showed off itself quite awesome, compared to remarketing audience, regardless the fact of seemed more interested visitors there.
More details in lookalike group:


There is an essential advantage of video ad on the screen. Cost per lead is pretty much better compared to the ads with static banners. If we had switched off ads with banners, we would have reduced average cost per lead more.

Look at the Instagram Ad campaign in details:


Instagram showed off worse results in comparison. Anyway, this is a good result compared to Google Search ads in general.

Ad examples:


CTR was near 5-6%. Also screen shows a high involvment of the video ad, based on enough amount of reactions and shares.


This approach is showing that search traffic can be “donor” of less involved audience for Facebook Ads campaigns. This method opts out potential customers from extremely competitive place in Google Search, focusing their attention on a separated ad place in Facebook and Instagram.
Also, we should notice the fact of more essential results of video ad, compared to banners.
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