Decreasing in the cost per request by 10 times using QUIZ marketing

    Traffic channel: Google Ads (search campaigns)
    Project: mansard stairs, recuperators, gutters, composters, etc.
    Region: Ukraine
    Additional instruments: QUIZ platform for stimulation the leadgen
    Cost per lead (CPL): mansard stairs (before 26 USD / after 2.6 USD), recuperators (before 34 USD / after 3.1 USD). 1 USD = 28 UAH

Project features

The customer had contacted us with the request to optimization the search ad campaigns with particular type of goods form building segments.Especially quite important was to optimize two the most interesting directions for our customers: «‎Recuperators‎» and «‎Mansard stairs‎».The customer was dissatisfied with the past results of working.
Important: the shopping campaigns in fact competed with us, because the task was set by customer to optimize only the search ad campaigns! It made the task more difficult.

Results of ad campaigns before our optimization

The results of other ad agency


Important to mention those above results of working were gotten by other ad agency. The customer had worked himself with ads before and got better results. Sometimes it happens!

The result of customer`s independent work


The work of «‎predecessors‎» got the results like that:● CPL (recuperators): before 572 UAH (20.4 USD), after 941 UAH (34.6 USD)● Ціна залученої заявки (драбини): before 552 UAH (20 USD), after 730 UAH (26 USD)

There was difficult for customer to believe in another marketing agency again and begin to invest funds in advertising and fresh ideas!

Vasiliy P. — the Project Manager

Our work

The first step — trying to optimize the search ad campaigns


As you see, the results had become better but not satisfactory enough. The campaigns for stairs got more or less normal results, but recuperators was out of profitability.
More thorough optimization the ad campaigns and something advice to customer about UX-design of site had made more better result, but it was not enough and we had to move on.

After lengthy negotiations with customer and few brainstorms within our team, we came to the conclusion the potential buyers, who found us exactly by search ad campaign type, have not enough comprehension what exactly they need and wanted additional consultation.
A decision was accepted by us to test the QUIZ marketing for attraction the potential buyers to answer a few questions for offering them more relevant variants of goods and to get free preliminary consultation.

Vasiliy P. — the Project Manager

Quiz elements for example


Resume. What kind of results have we gotten?

Approximately 10 times we have decreased the cost per lead through the QUIZ marketing and could find a special approach for search type ad campaigns and acted as an alternative to shopping campaigns which was getting all the hot traffic of potential buyers. As a result the search ad campaigns showed off their full potential neither decreasing performances of other types of campaigns nor at their expense.


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